Have Your Say on Accessible Housing

If you are an adult with a physical disability, this is your chance to chance to help change government accessible housing policy by completing the Melbourne Disability Institute’s online survey by 26 August here.

The Australian Government is currently considering introducing legislation that will require all new housing to be accessible. A recent cost-benefit analysis by the Centre for International Economics found that the costs of regulating minimum accessible housing standards would be greater than the economic benefits, but did not consider the qualitative factors including wellbeing, mental health, productivity, independence and empowerment.

The Melbourne Disability Institute has released a survey to identify the qualitative benefits that accessible housing standards would provide to people living with disability. Results from this survey will be reported to the Australian Government and other publications.

This survey is open to adults with a physical disability or people assisting an adult with a physical disability to complete it. You will need to confirm which of these options applies to you. The survey will be followed by interviews to capture further detail.

The survey is anonymous, and your responses will be kept confidential. Any information that you share will not be attributed to you personally. It should take between 10 to 30 minutes to complete, depending on your speed of reading and typing.

Contact Dr. Ilan Wiesel at the University of Melbourne at ilan.wiesel@unimelb.edu.au for more information.